Lightning Protection

The Alloy receiver needs the following parts and areas to be grounded to prevent, or limit, the damage sustained from electrical surges and lightning strikes:

Trimble recommends installing lightning and surge protection equipment to protect GNSS receivers on all permanent sites as follows:

  1. Install lightning protection for the GNSS antenna coaxial input. Trimble recommends P/N 187642 - Polyphaser DGXZ + 15NFNF-A. The SURGE side of the lightning suppressor must be connected to the cable going to the GNSS antenna. The EQUIPMENT-PROTECTION side connector must be connected to the GNSS receiver.

  2. Connect the Polyphaser body to earth ground per the Polyphaser installation instructions.

  3. To protect the Ethernet port from power surges and RF noise, ensure that you use a Shielded RJ45 cable:

  4. The Alloy chassis needs to be grounded. The recommended grounding method is by connecting a grounded wire to a mounting screw and mounting rail. The receiver requires a ring terminal with a 14-AWG copper wire to secure to the primary ground, as shown:

  5. Trimble recommends installing a surge suppressor for the power line. If powering the Alloy receiver by DC voltage, the DC input requires additional surge protection input of 24 V DC (+/-). If you are using DC power, please see the NEBS recommendation on . If you are using DC power, please see the NEBS (Network Equipment Building Systems) recommendation.