
Applicable receivers:  All receivers

This page shows the RTK vector information. The RTK vector information is available only when the receiver is receiving RTK corrections from a static or moving RTK base.

Select Receiver Status / Vector.


Vector – The RTK vector between the base and rover antennas. The RTK information is only displayed if the receiver is receiving valid RTK correction data.

Vector - Internal – The RTK vector between the position and vector antennas of a dual-antenna receiver such as the BD982. The RTK information is only displayed if the receiver is receiving valid Moving Base correction data.

Vector - External – The RTK vector between an external base and the position antennas of a dual-antenna receiver such as the BD982. The RTK information is only displayed if the receiver is receiving valid RTK correction data.

  • North – The apparent vector in the local geodetic north direction, given in meters.

  • East – The apparent vector in the local geodetic east direction, given in meters.

  • Up – The apparent vector in the local geodetic up direction, given in meters to the Antenna Phase Center (APC).

  • Range – The length of the vector from the APC of the Base antenna to the APC of the Rover antenna, given in meters.

Heading (BD982 & BX982 only) – The current heading and heading configuration.

  • Adjusted Heading – Adjusted heading in degrees after adjustment and direction have been applied.

  • Heading Adjustment – Heading adjustment in degrees.

  • Raw Heading – Raw heading in degrees before any adjustments have been applied.

  • Slope Distance – The length of the vector from the APC of the Base antenna to the APC of the Rover antenna, given in meters.

  • Solution type – Current RTK solution of the internal vector; either RTK Fixed or RTK Float.

  • Direction – The direction of the internal vector for heading, either Normal (From Vector antenna to Position antenna) or Reversed (From Position antenna to Vector antenna).

Attitude (BD982 & BX982 only) – The current attitude and attitude configuration.

  • Adjusted Slope – Adjusted slope (pitch or roll) in degrees after adjustment and direction have been applied.

  • Slope Adjustment – Slope adjustment in degrees.

  • Raw Slope – Raw slope in degrees before any adjustments have been applied.

  • Orientation – Either Pitch or Roll. Used to determine which field is populated in output messages.

  • Direction – The direction of the internal vector for slope, either Normal (From Vector antenna to Position antenna) or Reversed (From Position antenna to Vector antenna).

Position Antenna – The current position solution in the satellite reference system of the position antenna.

  • Lat – Latitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds.

  • Lon – Longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds.

  • Hgt – Height above the Antenna Phase Center in meters.

  • Type – Current GNSS solution type.

  • Datum – Displays the datum that the position is referenced to.

CAUTION – The position output by the receiver is the Antenna Phase Center position. You may want to reduce this position to a reference position elsewhere. If so, you should account for any tilt of the antenna in such a reduction. The settings for the Antenna Measurement Method and Antenna Height are not applied to this output.

Base Position – Geographic location, height and name of the current moving base and the age of the corrections (the age of corrections are at the time of the Web page update).

Moving Base – Geographic location, height and name of the current base and the age of the corrections.

Position Satellites Used – The list of satellites used by the position antenna (POS) for the current position solution.

Base Satellites Used – A list of the satellites used by the base or moving base to generate corrections.

Heading Satellites Used (BD982 & BX982 only) – The list of satellites used by the vector (VECT) antenna for the current vector/heading solution.

Error Estimates (1-Sigma) – The variation of the current position with a 68% confidence.

  • Internal – Refers to the position of the Vector antenna of a dual-antenna receiver such as the BD982.

  • External – Refers to the position of the Position antenna of a dual-antenna receiversuch as the BD982.

  • North – The apparent variation of the receiver position in the geodetic north direction, given in meters.

  • East – The apparent variation of the receiver position in the geodetic east direction, given in meters.

  • Up – The apparent variation of the receiver position in the geodetic up direction, given in meters.

  • Semi Major Axis – The semi Major Axis of the apparent variation of the receiver position error ellipse.

  • Semi Minor Axis – The semi Major Axis of the apparent variation of the receiver position error ellipse.

  • Orientation – The orientation of the major axis of the error ellipse.

Dilutions of Precision – Information about the strength of the satellite constellation with respect to a specific position attribute. The various Dilution of Precision (DOP) values take into account the location of each satellite relative to other satellites in the constellation, as well as their location relative to the receiver. Low DOP values indicate a higher probability of precision.

  • PDOP – (Position DOP). Indicates the strength of the satellite constellation for general position precision.

  • HDOP – (Horizontal DOP). Indicates the strength of the satellite constellation for horizontal position precision.

  • VDOP – (Vertical DOP). Indicates the strength of the satellite constellation for vertical position precision.

  • TDOP – (Time DOP). Indicates the strength of the satellite constellation for determining time and the clock offset.

Link Quality – The ID and quality of the correction transmissions.

Correction Controls – User-defined correction controls are either On or Off.

RTK – Details of the RTK vector. The RTK information is only displayed if the receiver is currently receiving RTK corrections from a static or moving base.

  • RMS – (Root Mean Square). This represents the uncertainty in the RTK solution. Traditionally has been used as an indicator of position quality.

  • Epochs – Number of epochs of observation data used in the determination of the current position.

Tabulated data

  • SV – Satellite number.

  • Type – Constellation type, for example, GPS.

  • Elev [Deg] – The elevation of the satellite above the antenna horizon.

  • L1 Integers – The status of the integer resolution for each satellite on the L1 frequency used in the RTK solution. R=Resolved, F=Float.

  • L2 Integers – The status of the integer resolution for each satellite on the L2 frequency used in the RTK solution. R=Resolved, F=Float.

  • L5 Integers – The status of the integer resolution for each satellite on the L5 frequency used in the RTK solution. R=Resolved, F=Float.

  • L1 C/No [dB Hz] – This is the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for the satellite.

  • L2 C/No [dB Hz] – This is the SNR for the satellite.

  • L5 C/No [dB Hz] – This is the SNR for the satellite.