Reference Station

Applicable receivers:  All receivers

Use these settings to set the position of the receiver and the ID of the data for use in RTCM and CMR output.

Select Receiver Configuration / Reference Station.


CMR ID – Enter a station ID for CMR corrections generated by the receiver (0 through 31).

RTCM 2.x ID – Enter a station ID for RTCM 2.x corrections generated by the receiver (0 through 1023).

RTCM 3.x ID – Enter a station ID for RTCM 3 corrections generated by the receiver (0 through 4095).

RTX STN ID – Enter a station ID for RTX corrections being received by the receiver.

Station Name – Enter a name for the reference station (up to 16 characters).

Station Code – Enter a description for the reference station (up to 16 characters).

Reference Station Coordinate Type – Select a coordinate type using the Cartesian or Geographical options.

  • Cartesian (ECEF) – An XYZ Cartesian Earth Centered Earth Fixed (ECEF) coordinate system is a coordinate system with the origin at the center of the Earth (as defined by a reference ellipsoid). The Z-axis coincides with the minor axis of the reference ellipsoid. The X-axis runs from the origin through a point on the equatorial plane at the zero meridian. The Y-axis is perpendicular to the X-axis on the equatorial plane. The coordinate of your reference station is defined in the plane of the X, Y and Z axis.

  • Geographical – The "latitude" (abbreviation: Lat., φ, or phi) of a point on the Earth's surface is the angle between the equatorial plane and the straight line that passes through that point and is normal to the surface of a reference ellipsoid that approximates the shape of the Earth. This line passes a few kilometers away from the center of the Earth except at the poles and the equator where it passes through the center of the Earth. Lines joining points of the same latitude trace circles on the surface of the Earth called parallels, as they are parallel to the equator and to each other. The north pole is 90° N; the south pole is 90° S. The 0° parallel of latitude is designated the equator, the fundamental plane of all geographic coordinate systems. The equator divides the globe into Northern and Southern hemispheres.

    The "longitude" (abbreviation: Long., λ, or lambda) of a point on the Earth's surface is the angle east or west from a reference meridian to another meridian that passes through that point. All meridians are halves of great ellipses (often improperly called great circles), which converge at the North and South Poles.

    A line, which was intended to pass through the Royal Observatory, Greenwich (a suburb of London, UK), was chosen as the international zero-longitude reference line, the prime meridian. Places to the east are in the Eastern hemisphere, and places to the west are in the Western hemisphere.

Reference Station Coordinates – Enter the reference station coordinate using the coordinate type selected.

  • Cartesian

    • Reference X – Enter the X coordinate of the reference station in meters (+/-). Enter using the WGS-84 reference frame only.

    • Reference Y – Enter the Y coordinate of the reference station in meters (+/-). Enter using the WGS-84 reference frame only.

    • Reference Z – Enter the Z coordinate of the reference station in meters (+/-). Enter using the WGS-84 reference frame only.

  • Geographical

    • Reference Latitude – Enter the latitude of the reference station in degrees, minutes, seconds, and north or south hemisphere. Enter a WGS-84 position only.

    • Reference Longitude – Enter the longitude of the reference station in degrees, minutes, seconds, and east or west hemisphere. Enter a WGS-84 position only.

    • Reference Height – Enter the ellipsoidal height of the reference station in meters. Enter a WGS-84 height only. The Antenna Phase Center must be directly vertically above the station.

Here – Click Here to load the current position of the receiver as the reference station position.

Average – Click Average to load the average position of the receiver as the reference station position. The average position can be displayed in Cartesian (Earth Centered, Earth Fixed – XYZ coordinates) or Geographic (latitude, longitude, height) coordinates. The averaging time is also displayed.

Position AveragingSelect either Cartesian or Geographical reference frame.

  • Current Position – The current position in the selected reference frame.

  • Average Position – The average position in the selected reference frame.

Reset Average – Click to reset the position averaging to zero and restart.

Auto AverageThe Auto Average feature is only available in the Web interface. Select this check box to set the averaging time (between 20 and 600 seconds), then click OK to begin auto averaging. An error message warning that the current reference position is “far away from current position” appears; accept this (click OK) since the auto average position will be loaded as the reference station position when the auto average operation is complete. When performing an “auto-average”, if the receiver position solution type changes, the auto-average starts from the beginning of the defined time period.

If the auto-average feature is running, the Here, Average, and Reset Average buttons are grayed out until the auto-average is complete. The auto-average can be canceled at any time.