Receiver Options – Details

Applicable receivers:  All receivers

This page can be used for a more detailed summary of the receiver options when communicating with Trimble Support.

Select Receiver Status / Receiver Options / Option Detail.


In the table, functionality that is enabled within the receiver is indicated by an X or by a value.

GIOVE – The receiver is capable of tracking the Galileo In Orbit Validation Element satellites. These are not used for positioning.

Everest – The receiver is capable of using the Everest Multipath Mitigation technology.

CMR Input – The receiver is capable of accepting CMR corrections on a serial port, TCP/IP port, or UDP port.

No Static CMR Input – The receiver is capable of only accepting CMR corrections on a serial port, TCP/IP port, or UDP port for moving base applications.

CMR Output – The receiver is capable of generating CMR corrections for output on a serial port, TCP/IP port, or UDP port.

No Static CMR Output – The receiver is capable of only generating CMR corrections on a serial port, TCP/IP port, or UDP port for moving base applications.

Force Float Position With Static CMR – The best RTK solution that the receiver can obtain is RTK Float. The receiver will never obtain an RTK Fixed solution.

CMRx Input – The receiver is capable of accepting CMRx corrections on a serial port, TCP/IP port, UDP port, or internal radio.

SCMRx Input – The receiver is capable of accepting scrambled CMRx corrections on a serial port, TCP/IP port, or UDP port.

CMRx Output – The receiver is capable of generating CMRx corrections for output on a serial port, TCP/IP port, UDP port, or internal radio.

SCMRx Output – The receiver is capable of generating scrambled CMRx corrections for output on a serial port, TCP/IP port, or UDP port.

RTCM Input – The receiver is capable of accepting RTCM (2.x and 3.0) corrections on a serial port, TCP/IP port, or UDP port.

RTCM Output – The receiver is capable of generating RTCM (2.x and 3.0) corrections for output on a serial port, TCP/IP port, or UDP port.

RTCM DGNSS Input – The receiver is capable of accepting RTCM 2.X (excluding all RTK corrections) inputs that support GNSS constellations.

RTCM DGNSS Output – The receiver is capable of generating RTCM 2.X (excluding all RTK corrections) outputs to support GNSS constellation.


In the following tables, functionality that is enabled within the receiver is indicated by an X or by a value.

Maximum Observable Rate – The maximum rate at which observable data can be logged.

Moving Base – The receiver can operate as a kinematic base receiver and provide corrections to another GNSS receiver for determining heading and attitude between the units.

VRS – The receiver can be used as a rover in a VRS network.

HTTPS – The receiver can support a secure HTTP link, with encryption limited to a 56-bit encryption.

NOTE – By default, Mozilla Firefox does not support this low-grade encryption. To turn on the SSL 3.0 encryption, select the Encryption tab in the Advanced Options of Firefox.

Dual-Frequency MSS – The receiver can decode RTX or OmniSTAR HP/XP/G2 signals if the appropriate license or subscription is valid. This option was formerly named 'OmniSTAR HP'.

Heading Mode Only – The receiver is only capable of acting as a heading unit in moving base applications.

RTK Baseline Length Limit – The range from the RTK Base at which the receiver will no longer work as an RTK rover.

Location RTK – Indicates the Horizontal/Vertical precision (1 sigma) capability of the receiver. This can be changed by purchasing the appropriate upgrade.

NMEA – The receiver is capable of generating and receiving NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) messages.

Data Collector – The receiver is capable of being controlled by a data collector. For the data collector to communicate with the receiver, the software installed on the data collector must be approved Trimble or third-party software.

Data Collector Lite – The data collector used to connect to the receiver may have limited support of the receiver's functionality.

Transmit – The internal UHF radio (if installed) is capable of transmitting data.

UHF 2 watt – The internal UHF radio (if installed) is capable of 2 watt transmission power if you have a radio licence that permits 2 watt transmission.

Advanced RTCM output – Provides additional RTCM output controls for variable output rate, format, and message types.

Enable 1PPS – When enabled, the receiver is capable of outputting the 1PPS (Pulse-per-second) pulse for precise timing.

RTK Support – Indicates the receiver has RTK support. The nature of the support depends on other options that jointly indicate if one or more of the following RTK modes are supported. L1/L2 Precision RTK, L1/L2 Location RTK, L1-Only RTK, or Moving Base RTK.

IoT Support – The Enhanced Security option to comply with the Senate Bill 327 (SB 327), California (USA) law, effective 1 January 2020.

Low Latency – Base measurements are predicted so that position updates are generated with only minimal latency (20 ms).

SBAS PRN – Pseudorandom number of satellites (1–32).

Firmware Warranty Date – Indicates when the firmware support for the receiver will expire. Once the date shown has passed, the receiver will not install new firmware. Any firmware that is dated earlier than this may be installed on the receiver. Before new firmware can be loaded, a Trimble Protected Plan must be purchased from Trimble and the receiver must be updated.

xFill / xFill Subscription – Shows if xFill is on or off / the subscription date.