Command 54h, GETSVDATA
Command Packet 54h requests satellite information. The request may be for an array of flags showing the availability of satellite information such as an ephemeris or almanac. In addition, satellites may be enabled or disabled with this command packet.
NOTE – The normal reply to Command Packet 54h is usually Report Packet 55h. However, a NAK is returned if the SV PRN is out of range (except for SV FLAGS), if the DATA SWITCH parameter is out of range, or if the requested data is not available for the designated SV.
All data in the packet flows from the data collector to the receiver.
Byte |
Item |
Type |
Value |
Meaning |
0 |
1 (Char) |
02h |
Start transmission |
1 |
1 (Char) |
00h |
Receiver status code |
2 |
1 (Char) |
54h |
Command Packet Type |
3 |
1 (Char) |
03h, 04h |
Data byte count |
4 |
1 (byte) |
See below |
See below |
----- DATA RECORDS 0 to 16 and 21 to 22 ----- |
Data from one of the records that are encoded in type 55h records, as indicated by byte #4 Subtype. Bytes 5 (PRN) and 6 (FLAGS) below will be sent: 0: SV flags (Deprecated. Use subtype 20.) |
5 |
1 (byte) |
0–198 |
Satellite number for which ephemeris/almanac is required or to be enabled/ disabled; ignored if SV flags or ION / UTC data is requested. GPS SV Range: 1–32 |
6 |
1 (byte) |
Bitmapped field having the following values: Bit 0: RESERVED Bit 1: RESERVED Bits 2 and 3 specify the source of Galileo Ephemeris or QZSS Ephemeris: For Galileo:
Bit 4 Set: Return QZSS, Galileo and GLONASS flags appended to the GPS FLAGS replies (subtypes 0, 4, 5). SV being controlled is QZSS, not GPS, GLONASS or Galileo. |
----- DATA RECORD 20 ----- |
Data from one of the records that are encoded in type 55h records, as indicated by byte #4 Subtype. Bytes 5 (PRN), 6 (SAT TYPE), and 7 (MODE) below will be sent: 20: SV Enable/Disable/Ignore Health Controls |
5 |
1 (byte) |
0–198 |
Satellite number for which ephemeris/almanac is required or to be enabled/ disabled; ignored if SV flags or ION / UTC data is requested. GPS SV Range: 1–32 |
6 |
1 (byte) |
0–7 |
Subtype 20 only. Specifies the satellite system for the PRN which is being configured. 0: GPS: 1–32 |
7 |
1 (byte) |
0–3 |
Subtype 20 only. 0: Return SV flags for SAT TYPE |
1 (Char) |
Checksum value |
1 (Char) |
03h |
End transmission |
The reply for this command will be a RETSVDATA report packet, or a NAK if the request failed.
Enable/Disable satellite (subtype 20) always returns RETSVDATA (subtype 20) as if SV Flags were requested.