Correction Controls

Applicable receivers:  All receivers

Select Receiver Configuration / Correction Controls.

Use these settings to manage the use of incoming RTK and DGNSS correction streams. If the receiver is receiving more than one correction stream or the same stream on different channels (such as radio, serial port, and ethernet), predetermined criteria can be entered to set the preferred correction stream. Additional user-defined fallback settings can also be added.

The receiver always attempts to use the most precise positioning solution by using the following correction types in order:

  1. RTK.

  2. xFill.

  3. Trimble RTX.

  4. OmniSTAR XP/HP/G2.

  5. Differential (DGPS, DGNSS).

  6. OmniSTAR VBS.

  7. Beacon DGPS.

  8. SBAS.

  9. Autonomous.

The correction streams are grouped into categories according to how they will be processed:

  • RTK


  • OmniSTAR

If there are multiple correction streams within any one of the three categories, the selection is made by the following rules in order:

  1. Use the CMR Input Filter and RTCM Input Filter.

  2. Use the user-defined Correction Controls.

  3. If the category is RTK, use CMRx over CMR+™ over RTCM 3 over RTCM 2 (RTK).

  4. If streams are of the same types, use the lowest Reference Station ID.

  5. If the sources are identical, remain with the currently used channel.


CMR Input Filter – Select this check box to use CMR corrections from a single specific base station. In the ID field, enter a base station ID between 0 through 31.

RTCM Input Filter – Select this check box to use RTCM corrections from a single specific base station. In the ID field, enter a base station ID between 0 through 4095.


RTK – Use this control to use the rules manager to select which RTK service will be used based on user-defined criteria. By default, it is set to Any Channel with the option to Reject All Channels instead.

To select a channel based on user-defined criteria, click the Add Channel button (+). To add additional fallback channels and criteria, click the Add Channel button (+) next to the Else field.

Use the Change Channel drop-down list to select an I/O port as the primary correction source, and the Else field to select either the Any Channel or Reject All Channels option if the primary source is unavailable (or does not meet the specified criteria).

Once the you have selected a primary correction source, click the Add Qualifier button (+ on the right of the source) to select the Choose Qualifier option to specify when the primary source will be rejected.

Qualifiers can be set either by:

  • Correction Age (user-specified period in seconds after the selected channel stops getting a valid correction stream before switching to the next source). Note: This is not the same as the DGNSS Age of corrections.)

  • Base ID (user-specified from 0 through 9999)

To remove rules for channels and qualifiers, click the red X button next to the item to remove.


Serial 2 / Modem 1 where Correction Age ≤ 20 seconds
Radio where Base ID = 37
Reject All Channels


DGNSS – Use this control to use the rules manager to select which DGNSS service will be used based on user-defined criteria in the same manner as RTK (see above).


RTX Controls – Controls the enabling and disabling of the RTX-based functions in the receiver.

  • Disable RTX – Disables any use of CenterPoint RTX, if the receiver has a current subscription.

  • Disable xFill – Disables the use of xFill to 'fill in' for up to 5 minutes when RTK corrections drop out.

  • Disable xFill-RTX – Disables the use of xFill-RTX to 'fill in' when RTX corrections drop out and a valid CenterPoint RTX subscription is installed.

  • Disable GVBS – Disables the use of clock and orbit information from the RTX corrections to augment the autonomous solution.